in Shrewsbury
Funeral Directors
Is this your business? Claim now!7-8 New Street, Shrewsbury, SY3 8JN
At a time when great personal sorrow can be all consuming, many people find themselves daunted by the prospect of having to...
funeral director, funeral directors in Shrewsbury, funerals
Funeral Directors
133 Longden Coleham, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY3 7DN
Founded in 1890, Pugh's Funeral Directors remains an independent family business with years of experience in providing funeral...
bespoke funeral services, independent funeral directors, burial and cremation, green burial, funeral organising, funeral flowers, prepaid funeral plans, memorial trees, made to measure memorial
Funeral Directors
95 Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, SY2 6BD
Family run and independently owned, arranging funerals with sensitivity, dignity and respect. Contact us 24 hours a day 7 days a...
Funeral Directors
Is this your business? Claim now!7-8 New Street, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY3 8JN
Funeral Directors
133 Longden Coleham, Shrewsbury, SY3 7DN
Founded in 1890, Pughs Funeral Directors proudly remains an independent family business. We are very proud to have been able to...
Funeral Directors, Funeral Planning, Funerals, Pre-paid Funeral Plans, Floral Tributes, Memorials